Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The good portion

It was a normal day; I got up early, ran down to the well nearby to get water, came back home and kneaded the flour and kept the dough aside. I then woke my sister up and told her, "It's time for breakfast and you lazy girl, still sleeping!"

As we were having our breakfast, a neighbour came and said, "Hey, did you guys know that Jesus is here in town?" "Really?", I screamed and jumped out of the chair. My sister said, "We shouldn't miss Him. Let's go!". We hurried up and we didn't have trouble spotting Him as there was the usual crowd around.

By the way if you didn't know, we lived in a small town called Bethany. It was on the slope of Mount Olives and Jerusalem was just around 3 kms from our place. We were blessed in that way as we could reach the temple in less than an hours time. Being close to Jerusalem, Jesus often stayed at our  place as we always loved to have Him at our place and He loved us too.

So here we are, we waited and waited for Jesus to finish talking and ministering to all the people. We then got to meet Jesus and all the disciples. It was a long time since we I had met him last and we had a lot to catch up on. I then told him "You have to stay at our place today". He agreed. So we took him along with all the disciples. As we were walking up the steep to our home, my mind was filled with thoughts, "What should the menu be?" "Shall I make meat or fish?" "What dessert should I make?" "Oh I just remember, that the box of salt is almost over." "Hey Lazarus, can you run to the store and get some salt please, sweet brother".

So we reached and I rushed to the kitchen. I quickly cleared up the breakfast table, got the flour and started kneading. I had to do it in many batches as there was a big group. "Oh, I'll tell Mary to get the bread done and while she does, I can get the curry done". 

"Where's Mary? She still hasn't peeped into the kitchen?" "Let me go get her". "Mary, Mary, where are you?" "Oh there she is, busy sitting at Christ's feet and listening as though she's one of the men".

"Jesus, Jesus!" 

"What happened Martha", "Why are you so tensed?"

"Well don't you care? You need to teach my sister." "I've got so much to do in the kitchen, so many loaves to be baked, food to be prepared, dishes to do, set the table and this lazy girl is not bothered one bit and all she does is sit here with you men!"

"Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken from her."

Luke 10:38-42

May, 2016

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